Title - The HR person at work said we would start looking at things later in the year, since the skilled worker visa could only be applied for 3 months before my current (Graduate) visa ends.

I took her at her word cause she’s HR and this was back when I was newer at the company but I’ve just spent some time looking at the skilled worker visa .gov page tonight and I didn’t see any mention of restrictions on when to apply, only that the CoS should be issued within 3 months of me applying for the visa, and that was on the switching skilled worker jobs page, not switching into the skilled worker visa page.

  • @[email protected]
    52 years ago

    You’ll want to make sure a good immigration lawyer handles your case and not a random HR person or manager. At least in the tech sector most good employers will cover the cost.

    • @dentonOP
      12 years ago

      Do companies just have immigrations lawyers on retainer for their international employees?

      Or is it the norm for the employee to find an immigration lawyer to liaise with the company for the worker visa? (I have to say I’ve never heard of this before)