Hoping to make this a discussion/brainstorming thread.

I hit level 20 and noticed that I had accumulated a healthy supply of random crafting items, so I decided to go into manufacturing. I set up my initial base on Sirius 3-B, and started expanding to other moons throughout the system, but I’m not sure what I should be manufacturing.

I’ve invested pretty heavily into my weapon and spacesuit design skills, but I’ve only got two points into outpost construction; I can set up simple and commercial fabricator/extractors, but I’m not sure what I’ll need down the line. Any advice or suggestions from veteran Outpost builders?

  • Stovetop
    2 years ago

    When I land on a planet and the thought “I should build an outpost here” pops into my head, I just boot up Satisfactory and start a new build in a similar biome.

    I like the idea of constructing a productive home base in Starfield, but the current implementation just seems to be a combination of useless, tedious, and generally lacking in features, and I just can’t be bothered.

    My home base is my ship and I’m happy with that.