There was also a GT94 there. They looked pretty even until the GT94 stepped down after a couple minutes, then it was the A1’s show the rest of the way.

  • @Gott
    51 year ago

    I’m not familiar with the A1, what brand is it?

    • @antisuck
      41 year ago

      Looks to me like the Wuben A1. That’s a $900 light with four SBT90.2 emitters, hits 20,000 lumens and throws for a mile and a half at turn-on in turbo.

      Oh and the battery pack hold eight 21700 batteries.

      • @Gott
        21 year ago

        Thank you. That sounds like an awesome light.

        • @BullstrongDVMOP
          21 year ago

          Indeed it is the Wuben A1. Pretty hefty but the handle is comfortable. This thing gets HOT. The handle has a rubber coating which works amazingly well at insulting your hand. We had it on turbo for >5 minutes and didn’t appreciate any decrease in output. I’m sure there was some but it seemed imperceivable. I’d recommend this one over the GT94 every day of the year.