It tastes like lemon pie. I don’t like drinking pies. Who thought this one was a good idea?

  • Flavor Taste 3
  • Flavor Intensity 8
  • Notes of… key LEMON pie? Bizarre. I’m sure there are people who like these flavors - not for me.
  • @Brokensilence410
    11 year ago

    I bought both this and the Key Lime one at the same time but I did NOT like the Key Lime. This one was… okay. I prefer regular Lemon seltzer but this was pretty okay!

    • The SourcererOPM
      11 year ago

      Yeah La Croix Lime and Lemon are good safe bet flavors.

      I also don’t remember liking the Key Lime flavor much either. Similar “too much like I’m eating a pie right now” type flavor as the LimonCello.