• What book is currently on your nightstand?
  • Who is the author?
  • What genre?
  • How do you like it?
  • Would you recommend it to others?
  • McBinaryOP
    11 year ago

    I made the mistake of watching the TV show for Altered Carbon first, and I absolutely loved the show so much that I can’t dissociate the TV show from the book. I had a really hard time reading the book because of that. I kept just wanting to watch the show again - and so I never finished it.

    If you haven’t seen the show on Netflix, I highly recommend it.

    • BrerChicken
      11 year ago

      I go back and forth on which format I prefer. Sometimes the book is so much better than an adaptation that I’m glad I saw the adaptation first, because I can appreciate it more. That way I can get into both versions. If you read it first, the movie ends up being really disappointing. But sometimes I’m glad I read the original first, because it lets you appreciate the adaptation more.

      I actually started the first episode a couple days ago, but I’m going to put it off until I’m done with the books. It was too jarringly different than the book, so I think this is one of those times where Knowing the story will help me appreciate the adaptation more, by understanding the grand scheme behind what major choices were made. We’ll see how it goes!