Regale us with tales of awful exes, terrible siblings, toxic Co workers and other nefarious characters you’ve encountered along the way in this journey we call life.
Regale us with tales of awful exes, terrible siblings, toxic Co workers and other nefarious characters you’ve encountered along the way in this journey we call life.
I have a few contenders I’ve met , but three stand out to me;
Year or two later his face turns up on TV, he was wanted for the kidnapping, sexual assault and anal rape of a four year old boy, along with using and dealing meth to kids. Oh, also it turns out he’s a neo-nazi, something I had my suspicions of at the time but this was pre internet so I had no way to search his tatoos to confirm.
So, neo nazi paedophile, meth pusher and all round scum. I did not like him very much.