• King
    -239 months ago

    Sure, enjoy the wisdom of an adulterer

    • @Globulart
      119 months ago

      I certainly did, he made a very eloquent point.

      A great husband he isn’t, but why should that mean you assume everything he says is bs?

      Very closed minded way to live… It’s very possible to agree with someone on one point and still think they’re a pos when it comes to other points.

      • King
        -179 months ago

        I’ll keep it in mind if I stumble upon his skyrim mod opinions

        • @Globulart
          9 months ago

          Yes I thought you might say something along those lines, have you ever heard of an analogy…?

          I know you think you’re making a relevant point, but really you just look like a 10 year old who struggles putting 2 and 2 together.

          This has nothing to do with skyrim modding, and everything to do with your perception of a group of people who don’t deserve your hate.

          Let me know when you turn 11 and we can try again :) x

          • King
            -179 months ago

            Guy who replies to me just to insult me calls me 11 year old, the irony💀💀💀💀 and there was no analogy here, I was asked to read something " relevant " from Arnold, you have the english skills of an 11 year old as well, bro was projecting all along 💀💀💀💀

            • @Globulart
              99 months ago

              No insults, just a guess :) x

              The insult was your OP, and Arnold does a good job of illustrating why it makes you a cunt (there’s the insult!)

              Do you understand irony? Irony is including 8 emojis in a post defending yourself from being called a 10 year old.

              Someone insulting you in a response which (by your definition) was only posted to insult you is just logical. Where’s the irony?

              The analogy is the post mate, but how would you know if it stayed blue…?

              • King
                -149 months ago

                “Adult” triggered by literal emojis 💀💀💀💀 “youre 11 if youre using emojis” 💀💀💀💀 5th period starting soon buddy, time for your literature class, today youre learning about analogies, next week, irony💀💀💀💀

                • @FireTower
                  99 months ago

                  Irony is telling someone to attend literature class while lacking reading comprehension.

                  • King
                    -119 months ago

                    Any examples of that or are you also 11 year old who replies just to insult? Another irony for you since you didnt give any examples and behave like the other guy

                • @Globulart
                  79 months ago

                  Ahhhh it’s weirdly beautiful mate. This whole exchange is like one big illustration on irony and (ironically) you end your point by illustrating just how little you understood my posts.

                  It really is satisfying. But if you want to teach me something and show me why it would be ironic to insult you in a post which was designed specifically to insult you then I’m all ears :) x

                  • King
                    -149 months ago

                    Paralympians asked to not compete vs modders asked to be faster there is no analogy here 💀💀💀💀 Or did you reduce both examples to getting criticized so you think it counts as analogy? truly 11 year old mind 💀💀💀💀