cross-posted from:[email protected]/t/476611

What if we got to easily choose our web browser, and didn’t have to rely on complex operating system settings to change the pre-installed default?

Do you keep the default browser on your Linux distro, or do you change it? If yes, why?

  • @Khanzarate
    91 year ago

    There’s a link to the actual report in the article, which has further links to the documents used in the survey.

    To be specific, this wasn’t a traditional questionnaire, they made limited-functionality desktop environments and had people try out different options.

    The link in the article.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      i looked over that one, no wonder i found it so confusing (maybe my limited knowledge of english got in the way?) thanks for clarifying

      • @Khanzarate
        31 year ago

        No worries. Its an interesting study, and Mozilla does good work.