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I created this community as a “reddifugee” who was active on r/AskDad. Looking forward to helping people out!

  • @MigratingtoLemmy
    22 years ago

    Thanks for your reply!

    I work in IT (yes, I know, this is usually a well-paid field of work) - unfortunately, I’m just starting out, and have very little experience to back me up. I’m going to have to take the hit for a year or two to move up. I just started in my position so it will take a while before such requests are taken seriously. I’ll do what I can :)

    I do live with flatmates, and have been looking for flats in the area. I plan to stick with them for about a year or so before I can afford to move out on my own (can’t wait for the freedom). I am trying to be as frugal as I can and am saving up a bit (my life is still coupon-hunting haha).

    Thanks for the tips, I’ll keep that in mind for tomorrow. I’m bound to be asked something like this, and this is a great idea. I should practise this more.

    Great to know. Have a fantastic week!

    • @owenfromcanadaOPM
      12 years ago

      Sounds like you’re going in a great direction–keep it up! It might seem like forever, but it’ll go by quick. Note that if you were in school prior to starting this job, you might find that time feels different when you’re working the same job all the time (as opposed to changing classes every semester). The good news is that once the novelty of a new job wears off, time goes way faster than you’re used to, so it won’t be long before you’re out on your own.

      Great work kid!