• FauxPseudo
    1510 months ago

    Company started a commission structure promotion for an upsell add-on. Two weeks in they retroactively changed the commission to decrease the payout. Most people didn’t realize this but I did the math and showed every manager I knew that if this wasn’t fixed they would destroy all integrity in any future sales programs and people would start jumping ship. Told them that I would be among the first and that thanks to having half the local office on my Facebook friends list I would have zero issues telling everyone why.

    With very little fanfare and no apology they reversed the new policy within three days, record speed for a company that size. One of the managers pulled me aside to let me know they couldn’t say anything previously but I was absolutely right. I told them they were a spinless coward* for not saying anything earlier but I understood the need to protect their paycheck.

    After that I mentioned to the people that would have been most impacted that they dodged a bullet and they didn’t know what I was talking about. I explained the change and unchange. They double checked the math and were pissed that they didn’t see the scam earlier. Most of them were gone within a few months because they didn’t trust the company anymore even though the company fixed it.

    • this person learned very quickly that I would read the birthday card and toss it in the trash. They started signing them with “you can throw this away now”. They once said they really appreciated that I never once even pretended to not tell the truth.