• Zorque
    41 year ago

    Uneducated people overthrow governments. Educated people involve themselves so they make a better, longer lasting, more stable and effective government in the long run.

    There’s this consistent delusion that if we just burn everything down and start anew that this time it will all work out for the best.

    It hasn’t worked for the past two millenia, it’s not going to magically work now. All it does is give rise to new fascist states.

    • Prophet Zarquon
      41 year ago

      The French revolution is far from the most well-regarded outcome, & yet, I think it was preferable to no revolution, at the time… I agree that having a knowledgeable populace is essential to social stability.

      • Zorque
        11 year ago

        The French Revolution led to Napoleon.

        It was nice to get rid of one set of autocrats… but it just led directly into another. Its not like they traded up.

        • Prophet Zarquon
          21 year ago

          It did lead to one, but he didn’t last forever, & again, I think it’s pretty hard to argue they were better off before than after.

    • @Wakmrow
      11 year ago

      Castro was a lawyer as was Lenin. Che was a medical doctor.