It seems like this was dropped on WHTV rather unceremoniously. I didn’t realize it was out until I saw a YouTube thumbnail about it. Anyways has anyone else watched it? What did you think? I was pretty disappointed in it. I thought the writing and acting was pretty terrible and it felt incredibly stilted with the constant breaks throughout to announce a new chapter of a 22 minute episode. What were there, like six? That felt ridiculous and pretentious.

Anyways what did you think?

  • @Geek_King
    41 year ago

    I agree with your points. The pacing felt slow as a glacier and mildly masturbatory in how pretentious it was. The dialog between the female guardsmen and the Sister of Battle, god damn it, it was soooo halting, and paced so awkwardly! Other little things were just weird as hell, like the Space Marine landing vehicle (thunder hawk?) spinning horizontally like that as it was crashing completely ignores wind resistance, and straight up wouldn’t happen that way.

    I did very much like how the 4 legged Necron lord was portray ed though, his movements, and voice were very well done and will get me to watch episode two. The Deathmark was very interesting too, but holy shit, this thing felt like it was made by a 1st year college student.

    • theshazaminator
      31 year ago

      @Geek_King @antaymonkey I think the pacing problems come from the structure of small chapters; it doesn’t seem quite sure whether it wants to be a single, overarching narative or a collection of little vignettes, and it ends up being the worst of both worlds. Agree about Szeras though, he was by far the most interesting bit so I do hope he ends up actually doing something.

      Also like 80% sure the Guardswoman is imaginary and the Sister’s actually alone, Tyler Durden-style

      • @Geek_King
        21 year ago

        I agree about the chapters, they felt misguided for how short the episode was. Again it has the feel of people who were brand new to story telling. I’m glad GW is at least trying to make some shows to tell stories in this interesting universe the have, but hopefully the teams they have get better over time.

        I’m just happy the Sororitas is wearing her helmet! But yes, you may be right about the guardswoman, it feels 100% impossible that the guardswoman would see the Sister fighting and not jump in to help. So probably just a goading figure in her head.

      • OnlyAwfulNamesLeft
        11 year ago

        The sister makes some noises about her parents being guardsmen before she was orphaned. My money is on that being her mum. The infected guardsmen completely ignored her, so almost definitely a hallucination.

      • @antaymonkeyOP
        11 year ago

        Also like 80% sure the Guardswoman is imaginary and the Sister’s actually alone, Tyler Durden-style

        I hadn’t thought of that but it makes total sense now. The whole time I couldn’t believe that a guardswoman would talk to a Sororitas like that. But didn’t she get shot in the back by the Deathmark?