Would they have all still fought against him?

  • pwnicholson
    621 year ago

    They’d still be appalled and try to stop him given their strong moral code. And given that they’d be at full strength they’d probably find a way to stop him and reverse things faster than they did in OTL

    • deweydecibel
      1 year ago

      I’m frankly astonished anyone could genuinely think the Avengers would ever somehow be more ok with letting Thanos kill “only the stupid people”. Like…that’s a very strange read on these characters to think they’d ever react any differently in this scenario.

      But even if they were so morally and ethically bankrupt to think it may not be such a bad idea, the truth is killing “the dumber 50%” is still causing catastrophic secondary effects. People would lose loved ones. That’s enough of a reason to go Avenging.

      Hell, how are we defining “dumb”? Because you may have just murdered every child under a certain age.

      • @Globulart
        81 year ago

        Of course not, didn’t Drax have a calculus scene in guardians 3?

        • @Chriszz
          41 year ago

          He’s still dumb even if he can do calculus

          • @Globulart
            31 year ago

            You missed the sarcasm mate. I chose Drax specifically because he’s clearly not in the top 50% and I havent even seen gotg3.

            I thought it was obvious but actually I could totally see James gunn putting a tongue in cheek maths scene in a film.

            • @Feathercrown
              21 year ago

              Drax DID actually subvert his intelligence in the third film

    • @MajorHavoc
      11 year ago

      And given that they’d be at full strength they’d probably find a way to stop him and reverse things faster than they did in OTL

      Good point. But I dunno. Thor is a big power loss, and unless Captain America gets a free pass for emotional intelligence counting, they’re short in leadership, too.