Sorry for the Murdoch rag, but I thought we could do with a trashy article to lighten things up a bit. Anyone else claimed depreciation on a boob job or the family pet?

    • Bill Stickers
      22 years ago

      This doesn’t really make sense. You don’t have to describe all your deductions when you do your tax. You just put the dollar amount. These people only got audited either randomly or because they were an outlier and claimed more than the typical person in their profession. Only then were the asked what was that 10k expense was and got told it was for a boob job.

    • hexadecimal
      22 years ago

      I think this has the potential to be big over the next few years. Imagine machine learning going nuts over every return for the last 7 years night and day for peanuts. Auto contacting people to provide receipts, it could likely audit a million people at once and not blink.

      • @Moc
        22 years ago

        Robodebt 2.0