Hello Tenno!
I just got Mr 17 and unlocked Archon Hunts, but it is so hard for me that I got unmotivated and honestly have no idea what I should do next. As soon as I found a favorite gun (that would be Fulmin), I spent some plat to make a good build for it and after 7 forma I honestly was really happy with the result, it was helping me through a lot of content (except Profit Taker) and I was really enjoying it… Until I reached Archon hunts. The mobs in Archon hunts barely take damage from my Fulmin and also do a lot of damage to my frames to the point that right now is impossible for me to solo it, and I don’t like being carried every week because it feels like I’m leeching. So please help me what should I do next? I’m on my way to unlock Steel Path but I got my ass kicked so hard I’m not even confident enough to tackle SP without being carried again.
That’s why we’re here. That, memes, and Lotus NSFW stuff.
Rolling Guard can be bought for like 10p (PS) or gotten through the Arbitrations.
Kuva Hek might take some time, depending on how well you handle Kuva Liches. Go for one with innate Radiation because Archons are weak to it. If you can’t get it for whatever reason, Zariman, Incarnon Genesis, and any weapon with good crit and very high innate Multishot will work as well (Strun Prime for example).
Just remember, the Archon defences activate once they are damaged, so it’s ideal to apply hit&run(hide) tactic instead of shooting them constantly as you would do normally. So, shoot them once or twice, wait a few seconds and repeat. This allows their defences to reset.