After running HA for 2 years and tinkering with the stuff I already had, it was time to extend the little machine via Zigbee. I got an Aqara Temp/Humidity/Pressure sensor, which in itself works fine. It just chewed through 30% of battery in 4 days. Now that might be an issue with placement and signal strength (basement through 2 floors), but it doesn’t bode well unless it “levels out” at some point.

Which brings me to my actual question: does anyone know any such sensors that are wall-powered in any way? Something that can be plugged in and “forgotten” about?

  • @[email protected]OP
    2 years ago

    I’d take USB-powered, not a problem. Just something that can be plugged into continuous power.

    The packaging claims a run-time up to 2 years, but I assume that’s for very optimistic placement right next to a hub. But who knows, maybe it’s just a startup issue with reporting and it’ll actually keep for a while.

    • @OwlPaste
      12 years ago

      Yes, i suspect its an issue in reporting that for a 2 year claim to still be 100% after a few months. But as a sensor they work great, experimented leaving it in the fridge to monitor that for example, thinking of getting more sensors.

      But inalso live in a 1 bed flat. So yes distances are not massive at all.