Post what indie products you are using today

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    9/24, last of my Deconstructing Eden testers:

    Lena (blended for a dear friend - dew covered pink and purple lilacs, willow leaves floating on a gentle breeze and soft blue sky on a bed of barely-there white musk). After my experience with Haunted, I was kind of wary of this one, but maybe because I knew what to expect, it seemed less… overwhelming, It is very lilac-y, which is to be expected, and there’s a bit of a “fresh air” note. I don’t think I really get any willow leaves from it, and I think the white musk keeps it from being too cloying. It occurred to me that if this had a strong “fresh green grass” note in it, I might really like that a lot.

    I’ll be testing some of these some more but I’m pretty sure i’ll be FSing Aquarius. And I think I may try some Alkemia samples next, but I haven’t really made up my mind.