Luke blew up the freakin’ Death Star and he only gets to be commander. Han wants to skip out on the whole rebellion thing and he gets to be a general.

  • @dezmd
    11 year ago

    The Yuuzhan Vong were canon for 19 books and then some, 1999 -2003, and overlapped the prequel releases and remained cannon through 2008 in the Legacy of the Force books. Right up until Disney bought out and fucked over authors, story lines, and a fleshed out and workable path for movies.

    But its ok, nobody is perfect, you can overcome it some day.

    • @magnusrufus
      -21 year ago

      Kind of a shitty tone to take over a crappy plot line.

      • @dezmd
        01 year ago

        The yuuzhan vong will never be canon for me.

        I was replying in an overtly tongue-in-cheek manner as a response to your own shitty tone, and now you doubled down on the shitty tone? No fun allowed kids, we’re done here, pack it up and head home.

        • @magnusrufus
          -11 year ago

          Nah the mini rant tips your hand. You were not being tongue in cheek, you were being sincere.

          • @dezmd
            01 year ago

            It was a mini rant precipitated by a joke, now you’re just trolling for the sake of it.

            • @magnusrufus
              -11 year ago

              Nah you were genuinely wounded that I didn’t revere the yuuzhan vong.

              • @dezmd
                01 year ago

                Lol ok sure