What does everyone think about doing a weekly dotfile review thread like r/neovim does.
I personally really like to see different neovim configurations that other people have made.
Edit: my config
Edit 2: I also think that if we are to do these, they should be done on the weekends, since that is the time when people aren’t busy with their jobs or school.
I don’t have any online repo that people can use, but I have this post on my home instance where go over some plugins I use too much and additionally I have the following settings to make vim livable for me:
set smartindent set autoindent set noshowmode set laststatus=0 set background=dark set nu set scrolloff=99999 set sidescrolloff=99999 set splitbelow set splitright set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set noexpandtab set nowrap set cursorline cursorcolumn set clipboard=unnamedplus set termguicolors set colorcolumn=80 set timeoutlen=500
the rest is mainly plugin and filetype configuration which mainly revolves around setting up LSP and resolving some key conflicts as well as making sure CoQ is loaded up as that this is a masterpiece even without LSP
(think of CoC; but actually responsive on anything older than a 12th gen CPU)