Elon lied about the monkeys — and he shouldn’t be trusted to put his Neuralink chips in human brains.

“They are claiming they are going to put a safe device on the market, and that’s why you should invest,” Ryan Merkley at the Physicians Committee, told Wired. “And we see his lie as a way to whitewash what happened in these exploratory studies.”

Really heartbreaking reading what happened to the monkeys.

People quite rightly think of Elizabeth Holmes as a fraud for making false medical claims about what the Theranos machines could do. So why aren’t Elon’s claims at Neuralink being held to the same level of scrutiny?


@technology #Elon #Neuralink #ElonMusk

  • @gastationsushi
    11 year ago

    I think you get me wrong. I don’t feel sorry for Michael Vick. I just think this is more proof how money infects our regulatory system.

    Look at food regulation. I’ve seen regulators shut down and jail independent operations for white glove violations. But look how major suppliers and food chains are treated when their contaminated food sends people to the hospital where some die.