• Throwaway
    11 year ago

    So the reason given is that Gen. Milley delayed the response to Jan 6. If thats true, then theres good reason for a dishonorable discharge, possibly some time in Leavenworth. Execution is a bit much, but it is the traditional punishment for military members committing treason.

    • @geekworking
      221 year ago

      It is bullshit to deflect blame from Trump.

      The entire thing was about 2.5 hours. National guard members need to be called in, fitted out, and given a coordinated mission. Every other riot in history where they used National guard the response time was days instead of hours.

      Independent review shows no undue delays

      They are calling to hang this guy because he took more than an hour to ensure that at least some plan was in place before sending the military against citizens.

      If you want to blame military leaders, how about the commander in chief that set it in action and happily watched without doing a single damn thing to try to stop it.

    • @PizzaManOP
      1 year ago

      So the reason given is that Gen. Milley delayed the response to Jan 6.

      And that he is a “sodomoy promoting”, “homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist”.

      The only reason somebody says something like that in the context of calling for execution is when they find these things as reasons for execution. Calling for the deaths of homosexuals is fascism, and the GOP is openly embracing it when they support people like Gosar.

      Also feel the need to mention that hes a politician, so hes probably lying or at least stretching and bending the truth.

      That’s supposed to be comforting? “Oh don’t worry about this congress man calling for the death of a military general based in part on LGBTQ hatred, he’s probably just lying about his true intentions”

      As if he doesn’t have worse intentions than what he believes to be publicly acceptable.

      • sj_zero
        -21 year ago

        America is a democratic Republic with a civilian head of the military. The elected president is that head.

        There are some very concerning things we’ve learned since the end of the last administration.

        We know that the military in the Middle East was lying to the commander in chief about numbers to stop a pullout ordered by the president:


        We also know that Milley bragged about secretly being in touch with the Chinese military reassuring them that it the head of the military ordered them to do something they’d refuse to do it.


        You might like these things because you agree with them, but America isn’t supposed to be a military dictatorship, it isn’t their call to disregard the civilian leadership, and it isn’t their job to be doing diplomacy with countries America is hostile towards.

        Accepting such actions has a dangerous precedent. The military had planned project Northwoods, an operation to attack civilian targets in the US to justify a war. It was the civilian leadership of the military who put a stop to that plan, and everyone agrees that’s a good thing.


        Presumably, in 2023 instead of the civilian leadership stopping such a plan, the military would just go through with it.

        I don’t agree with the anti-gay rhetoric, but it’s true that in many other ages, a high ranking military man openly telling a hostile countrys military he’d disregard any orders to act against them would be treason, and the penalty for that would be death.

        If we keep letting the military go rogue, we might reach a point we wish we’d acted decisively sooner, when a leader we didn’t control previously marches on Washington. Then the truly imperial phase of America shall begin.

        • @PizzaManOP
          21 year ago

          There are some very concerning things we’ve learned since the end of the last administration.

          If that was the basis for calling for Miley to be executed, then Gosar wouldn’t have said shit about Miley being a sodomy and homosexual promoter.

          • sj_zero
            11 year ago

            Why wouldn’t he? The context isn’t a court case where he’s trying to get Milley executed, it’s a newsletter where he’s trying to call Republicans to action donating to them and voting for him. For right-wing multigenerational military families, stuff like the new lgbt military recruitment ads and putting trans women in as high ranking generals and putting them front and center in the media is a big deal.

            • @PizzaManOP
              01 year ago

              So he is just casually calling for the execution of somebody based on LGBTQ stuff instead of a court case. That sure makes it better.

    • @SkyezOpen
      91 year ago

      Given who’s saying it, it’s almost certainly not true. Additionally, if it was, gosar and trump would not be roasting him for it.

    • Throwaway
      1 year ago

      Also feel the need to mention that hes a politician, so hes probably lying or at least stretching and bending the truth.

      Also why does anyone care about Cruz when this guy is a congressman?