# Version 0.4 Removed bold as default… # Version 0.3 Added separators and colors
codes for every link. Now you can edit the TextColor when you add a new custom
link { title: 'Plugins', url: 'https://lemmy.world/c/
[email protected]',
textColor: "#000000" } Feel free to add or remove the separators as well {
title: '|', url: '#', textColor: "#000000" } Also added an option to change font
weight: link.style.fontWeight = "bold" = Bold link.style.fontWeight = "" =
[https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/ec0d8184-27a5-4a22-b2ab-58497c004986.png] #
Version 0.2 Some code update… # Version 0.1 Just replace the titles and urls
with your own links after you install the script
Det skulle man nog. Jag har själv aldrig suttit med Bootstrap så den tanken slog mig inte, men bra idé! Är Python utvecklare, inte web :D