Thanks for using my script. I will keep this thread updated with all the changes. Just look at the changelog.
If you have any tips on features and/or improvements then leave a comment and I’ll take a look!
Version 0.5
The nav will now be sticky and move when you scroll down so you always have access to it!
Version 0.4
Removed bold
as default…
Version 0.3
Added separators and colors codes for every link. Now you can edit the TextColor when you add a new custom link
{ title: 'Plugins', url: '[email protected]', textColor: "#000000" }
Feel free to add or remove the separators as well
{ title: '|', url: '#', textColor: "#000000" }
Also added an option to change font weight: = "bold"
= Bold = ""
= Regular
Version 0.2
Some code update…
Version 0.1
Just replace the titles and urls with your own links after you install the script
This is great!
I’m wondering how to change the color of various labels and to add a separator or two in the bar.
Edit: NVM, I figured it out, added a variable for color for each of the labels and just used a ‘|’ character for a separator, so I can have the communities I moderate as one color, and other ones I want in there as another. So now it looks something like this:
I took your example and updated the code with separators and colors! Thanks for the tip!
Awesome. That looks great!
Nice I like it.
Is it possible to make the navbar stick at the top of the browser and not scroll when the page is scrolled?
I see this has been added in 0.5. That’s awesome!
That’s a great suggestion. I have updated the script. It should now be sticky and scroll with you.
Edit: I see that your comment already suggested the behavior I originally had. I thought you wanted it to be sticky and scroll when you do. Anyways, I’ve added it and it’s cool!
Rather than manually adding communities, could it be made to fetch active/hot communities from for example:
?It could! It’s not hard to implement. Not sure if people want it. Could make it as a separate script.
Interesting. Somebody in another thread was asking about a sidebar with links to their subscriptions and this gives me an idea…
I saw that too. I was gonna do it but then my kid woke up. I managed to whip this together in a few minutes. Might get back to that sub sidebar though.
Love 0.5
Thank you! :)
I have Firefox set to the dark theme. Is there a way to have the colors similar to the theme?
In the code you can change the
to which ever hex color you have as your background.Then change the
hex value as well to white or what ever text color you want.That was easy!
I like the addition of the font.Weight. I changed mine to “300” so it’s just slightly lighter than normal. “400” is normal (so same as “”), “100” is the lightest, and “900” is the boldest. “700” is the same as “bold”.
Yeah that makes sense! :D
You’re welcome!