Does anyone have experience with breaking apart a large Angular frontend into micro frontends? Any advice you can offer or resources you can point me to would be greatly appreciated. Ideally I’d like to be able to mix Angular versions and different technologies (e.g. React) in the future as well, assuming that’s possible.

  • @[email protected]M
    21 year ago

    Microfrontends are a technical solution to an organizational problem, if you can get away with not doing them, you might do yourself, your coworkers and your company a big favor.

    Having said that, do you deploy this app, that you want to split into microfrontends, as a SaaS or is it more enterprisy and installed on-prem and access mainly via Desktop? If the latter, the venerable iframe might be your friend.

    Also, if you really cannot help it, you should consider building an abstraction where you consider iframes, web-components, or lazily-loaded scripts as an implementation detail.

    Source: I’m maintaining something that you’d in microfrontend term would describe as an application shell in Angular 2 since 2017. It hosts > 1000 different screens provided by > 60 dev teams ( > 450 devs) into a single user facing view. And I justified at least one years’ salary by talking my boss in 2019 out of using the approach again on a second product line (where the scope was narrower).