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Please be advised that if you use the connect app, it doesn’t always correctly parse links to lemmy posts. If they’re not working for you, you can follow the whole plotline on my site. (These comics are in reverse chronological order, so start at the end and work backwards.)

Let’s head this off. Amongst its other definitions, “Privy” is a slightly archaic English word for a public bathroom.

Let’s cover this too: Konsi is a trickery domain cleric - the level 4 trickery domain spells are polymorph and dimension door.

Konsi, asking her to become a bunnygirl on your first date is VERY forward.

  • AhdokOP
    241 year ago

    In 5e, they really removed the majority of the mechanical implications that come with the decision between “medium” and “small” size categories, especially when they reworked small lineages to have 30ft movement speed.

    The main ones that remain are heavy weapon restrictions, and “you can walk through the spaces of hostile creatures that are 2 size categories smaller/larger than you” meaning small and large creatures can pass through each other’s spaces.

    However, if you’re planning to play a caster class who gets access to dimension door, it’s worth bearing this in mind. The restriction that you can’t bring along people who have a size category larger than you is a genuine drawback of being small.

    • neoman4426
      91 year ago

      An interesting one, the Clone spell has been stealth errataed several times, some printings specifying it only works on Medium creatures specifically, for whatever reason that restriction was added at one point after not previously being there, and has since been removed again. Another fun one is the Heavy property RAW only impacted Small creatures for the majority of the Edition, Tiny creatures could technically RAW use them with no problem. Which was obviously nonsense, and most DMs would either give the Disadvantage or completely prevent them from using it, and eventually it got errataed to “Small or Tiny”