A Philadelphia judge on Tuesday dismissed all charges against police officer Mark Dial, ruling that prosecutors had not presented evidence that he had committed a crime.

And another one gets off scot free.

Apologies if you get a paywall, most of the time the Inquirer gives x free articles.

  • Doug Holland
    21 year ago

    Archived page, if you’re paywalled or region-blocked.

    Maybe some lawyer can explain that the prosecutors screwed up in some way? Article says they’ll refile the charges.

    Cuz sweet jeebers, from the video we’ve all seen, if that’s not a crime then there’s no crime anywhere.

    • MelodiousFunkOP
      41 year ago

      Seems like the cop invoked the Uncle Jimbo defense.

      “It’s coming right for us!”

      To which the completely impartial judge nodded and went back to playing Candy Crush.

      • @BadAdvice
        41 year ago

        Absolute immunity needs to go. Judicial reform will never stick unless these clowns get some skin in the game. Every unjustifiable decision in a court room throws back half the time the judge was ruling on. Fuck up a murder trial? That’s 10 years without parole mfr