Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, will plead guilty to three federal charges, the Justice Department said Tuesday in a court filing.

Poster Comment: If the man committed a crime, then he needs to do the time.

  • Straattos
    82 years ago

    When getting a handgun license or registering a firearm in some states there can be questions like “are you a habitual drunkard” and “Are you an addict or habitual user of a controlled dangerous substance?” Lying about this can end up being a felony, at least in Maryland where I pulled the above two questions from.

    • AidsAcrossAmerica
      52 years ago

      Do they really word it that way? That’s stupid broad. Applied for a IT Position for a local PD decades ago, the wording was very clearly “Have you ever done any illegal drugs; List every instance and explain”.

      I did not end up applying.