• @derekabutton
    11 year ago

    I reject the assertions you are making about my intentions. My phrasing was obviously unclear and the message was not received.

    • @mrcleanup
      11 year ago


      When faced with any actual points you would need to explain, justify, or defend, attempt to throw out the entire conversation to avoid accountability. Classic right wing response.

      Thanks for the great example!

      If you really want to hit it home though, you need to either double down with a personal attack or start a completely different argument that you feel like you have a better chance of winning, preferably both at once while also questioning the intent of your opponent to act in good faith at all.

      A popular finisher is implying that they just can’t see the truth because they have let the liberal media brainwash them and telling them they need to use a different source for their information that isn’t afraid to actually tell them the truth.

      • @derekabutton
        1 year ago

        You are missing some key elements here. I responded to what I saw as a flawed question and asked some of my own to get the OP to think about what they were asking. I incorrectly assumed it to be a question asked by an edgy high schooler and attempted to answer in a way that would get them to think about what they were asking. I stand by my original point that it is not harder to be left wing than right wing, though I admit I have not given you a complete explanation as to why I think that.

        I avoid no accountability here. My statement was unclear and therefore misunderstood. If you do not understand what I was attempting to say at by this point, I see no value in attempting to explain it further.

        I don’t understand why you keep implying that I am right wing. I thought that was made clear. Not even a little bit. You know nothing of it because the conversation has not been about my personal views, and I am not about to describe my personal views to you. There is no value in explaining right wing argument tactics, because they do not apply.

        • @mrcleanup
          11 year ago

          I totally understand that you aren’t right wing. I was just using this conversation to highlight the strategies used by the right wing to attack left wing arguments and the difficulty of doing so in a rational way when faced with a non-factual style of attack.

          The fact that you never really took it seriously in the first place and only ever wanted to make someone you saw as young and inexperienced question their position without really seeing the problems with your style of argument really only helps my analogy because even now you have admitted that it was only ever about casting doubt on the other side and not about explaining your position.

          Whether you identify as right wing or not, the fact is that these tactics are pretty standard attack strategies, and when one side is trying to build consensus and the other side only wants to poke holes in their arguments, perhaps now you can see why I believe that the left wing has the harder job.

          • @derekabutton
            11 year ago

            Once again my intended message is not coming across. Thank you for your time.