I am literally just starting, and my friends that I’m gonna play with are telling me “pick anything but a druid, they’re bad”. But then I see articles out there saying that Druids are one of the most powerful at end game. Any thoughts from some of you that have been playing?

  • @dwokimmortalus
    2 years ago

    The class has a very slow, very rough start; and is extremely gear/aspect dependent. However, once you are over the level 60-ish hump, it becomes an absolute powerhouse. I specifically chose the class because of how bad it was in beta, and I have loved how strong it ended up.

    Pulv Druid, Trampslide both use earth skill passive synergy to ramp to a very solid strength, and are very easy to build into.

    The wolf variants (Stormclaw, Tornado Wolf, CroneWolf, PoisonShred) all rely on getting the unique helm Tempest Cowl to start off. They are also very greedy about needing good stat rolls and aspects to get the crazy ramp. Much of their power is also tied up in the paragon board. That said, these are easily among the most broken OP builds in the game at the moment.