• @Simpsonator
    12 years ago

    Here’s an article with real data. It sure looks like OpenJDK is at least on par with Oracle. I think Oracle was much better 4-5 years ago and that’s why you get a lot of results. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1597213/FULLTEXT01.pdf

    All I see is shitposting on Java. I haven’t seen one negative word about Swift. Can we agree that OpenJDK is both open source and performant? That’s the only point I’m trying to make.

    • @joneskind
      12 years ago

      Can we agree that OpenJDK is (…) open source (…)?


      Can we agree that OpenJDK is both open source and performant?

      I can’t agree with something I don’t know enough about, and about what I have read opposite statements and experiences.

      I have no doubt that in some context, OpenJDK could perform as well as OracleJDK. Some APIs and methods can have been well written from the start. What I do know about software engineering though is that Alpha and Beta stages exist for some reasons.

      I haven’t seen one negative word about Swift.

      Seek for the root of the thread.