• @blazeknave
      221 year ago

      I think the hyperbole is to make the point clear

      • @[email protected]
        -271 year ago

        Right, and writing emotionally-charged headlines is unprofessional.

        That’s why you see it all the time at /r/conservative.

        • @blazeknave
          61 year ago

          🤷sure? Don’t think anyone here disagrees with that statement. Also, that’s not what’s happening here in this thread. This isn’t a headline in Conservative. It’s a hyperbolic comment rebuttal to hyperbolic sensationalism, meant to drive the point home. I think this is satire?

            • @blazeknave
              01 year ago

              Yes. No. It was an example not meant to be taken seriously. So as satire, it needn’t be called out bc those in the know, should know. And since you seem to agree with the sentiment, you’re in the in group, and we are all confused why as a peer with shared values to whatever extent, you’re taking this comment somewhere so far removed.

              Might I ask what you do for a living in earnest? I’m paid to communicate which I’m not always great at. But it always makes me wonder how people use that skill at their trade.

              I’m asking bc… do you never share an example for arguments sake not meant to be taken literally? With people with whom you’re neither related nor friends? It’s kind of a part of society.

              Like at work I might finish a thought with “and then some call to action about buy my shit or something” but my colleagues neither question my recognition of the value of our product nor my regard for our prospective customers. They know it’s a placeholder bc the context of the conversation.

              I’m truly asking, not being a dick.

      • @[email protected]
        -261 year ago

        No you don’t.

        You’re just upset at what’s being said so you’re trying to scrutinize it as though it doesn’t make sense.

        I see it all the time and don’t hold most people above that behavior.

          • @[email protected]
            -61 year ago

            I mean, if you need clarification on what a professional article should look like, then you can find guides on the internet or take a class in school.

            I’m not here to explain things to you. I predict you’re the kind of person who, after I give an explanation, will just keep asking questions and scrutinizing it because you don’t like what’s being said.

            I don’t hold you above this behavior, which is why I’m not playing your little game.

            I’m sure you can find out this information on your own if you really wanted to, but you don’t.