• @AssPennies
    89 months ago

    how many credible people can I think of on Lemmy?

    Nobody’s arguing there are credible people here on lemmy, that’s a strawman you’ve set up.

    • @[email protected]OP
      9 months ago

      False. The implication is that information shared by people not on Twitter, such as here, is more credible than information shared by someone on Twitter.

      Try harder, you idiots are boring.


      Also, the stupidity of the assertion that no one on Twitter has credibility is enhanced by the raw fact that possibly every single person who writes the articles that are shared here on Lemmy from sources deemed trustworthy by some percentage of you also happen to have Twitter accounts. At some point, it becomes an inherently ignorant argument.

          • @AssPennies
            29 months ago

            You said, multiple times in different terms:

            The implication is that information shared by people not on Twitter, such as here, is more credible than information shared by someone on Twitter.

            No one made that implication except you, fucknuts! Just like I’ve said mulitple times: you’re the one making up these “implications” in your head, you’re the one crafting these strawmen, and then you’re the one that’s all bent out of shape!

            • @[email protected]OP
              9 months ago

              If you’re too dumb to understand even with a provided screenshot, then you’re too dumb to be part of the conversation.

              I’m sorry your comprehension level is this poor.

              edit: what’s funny is that you’re coming back almost 24 hours later to continue arguing about it, and I’m the one bent out of shape about something? LOL

              • @AssPennies
                19 months ago

                Look at your original argument:

                Not a single one, because we’re all anonymous random people. The only shred of credibility here is sharing something a fairly well validated website or news source… exactly like on Twitter. You act like no one on here posts questionable things that get removed. That is selective delusion for you.

                Now look at your fucking screenshot, I’ll wait. Do you see where Junkers_Klunker claimed anything about lemmy, at all? You know why you don’t see them making suck a claim? Because it isn’t fucking there, fuckwad!

                You’re the one that made the claim that lemmy is to be held in higher esteem, nobody else! That’s textbook strawman! Someone said chirping on xitter makes you less credible, and you pulled out the “and lemmy’s better in that regard” totally out of your ass! It’s right there in the pic you posted, nothing about lemmy in it!

                what’s funny is that you’re coming back almost 24 hours later to continue arguing about it

                And it’s even funnier that you’re replying back! (Btw, this is the first downtime I’ve had to read shitposts since yesterday, at the same time as yesterday, almost like that’s when I’m finally off of work or something; don’t go taking any detective jobs there, Columbo.)