Every Minecraft Server has some rules, this server is no exception!

The Rules build upon the official Lemmy.world rules.

Additionally Minecraft Rules:

PVP related:

  • PVP is enabled BUT should be the last resort.
  • PVP has to be with mutual consent!
  • Spawn Camping is not allowed!
  • Trapping People is NOT allowed!
  • If you fight, keep others out of it. ( Dont kill inocent people )
  • If you want war. It has to be with mutual consent.

Building related:

  • Griefing is not allowed.
  • But if you build anything unprotected its your issue, not ours.
    ( You can claim spots it with a wooden hoe )
  • Trapping claims/users is not allowed.
  • Abusing the claim system will result in a ban
  • If you dont use your claimed spots it will get force abandoned by admins.


  • Trading is not secured in any way. Create yourself a trading station or just “trust” each other.


Be friendly, dont attack without a consent, dont grief

  • @RookiOPMA
    1 year ago
    1. If it doesnt make others unhappy you can use it, we have still counter measures against cheats.
    2. It shouldnt be the 10th duplicate of the same farm, shut off switch would be great. Dont make it near a big junction.