The Senate passed a resolution Wednesday to make business attire a requirement on the Senate floor.
The moves comes after backlash to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) directive to scuttle the chamber’s informal dress code, which was widely viewed to be inspired by Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.).
The bipartisan resolution requires that business attire be worn on the floor of the Senate, “which for men shall include a coat, tie, and slacks or other long pants.”
The bill does not spell out what the attire includes for women.
You know this is just going to result in a pride suit right? I 100% expect him showing up in rainbows. Should bring in cat ears as well.
If they didn’t specify a dress code for women then he should just change his pronoun. That would get them all in a tizzy!
I love it. Although that might be considered fairly offensive to some.
Oh no! We wouldn’t want to offend pearl-clutching tone-policing bigots; that would be terrible!
👌I more meant those in the LGBTQ community.
They should know better than anyone to respect people’s chosen pronouns.
I think it’s more the disingenuous nature of “changing your pronouns” to in effect make a point.
Also it kinda gives those weirdos like “I’ll just go into the women’s restroom and say I’m a woman if questioned; love this system” some undeserved ground (granted I think gendered restrooms are a bit silly).
Or a Steelers style suit.
All it says is 3 piece suit right? Nothing about the condition of said suit? Slacks, cut off just below the front pockets. Sport jacket, sleeves ripped off. Shirt, top 3 unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up.
That, or straight pimpin’. Only 2 colors allowed, purple and leopard. Only 2 materials, silk and velour.