I’m already pretty ass at disruption, so archon mode certainly doesn’t do me any favors. I don’t have Ivara, and I tend to get squashed like a bug even using things like Nezha. I’m gonna try a tank/armor strip Styanax when I get the chance to see how that is, but any suggestions are welcome.

  • @The_Vampire
    1 year ago

    A zaw with Exodia Epidemic or a frame with ensnare subsumed can freeze the disruptor practically in place. The more important issue with disruptors is to keep your distance so you don’t get hit by the nullification wave and reapply the stun after every wave.

    As for what to use, Nezha is great but you may want to use a full umbral build (in addition to adaptation) with him in an archon hunt and subsume roar over either his 1 or 4 (based on preference). Use an Exodia Epidemic zaw to stun the disruptor. Blazing Chakram multiplies damage dealt to enemies it hits, so apply blazing chakram after every nullification wave as well. Nezha is easily one of the tankiest and fastest ways to kill a disruptor, provided you don’t get caught in the nullification wave.

    You can use Magus Lockdown, but it’s been repeatedly nerfed and isn’t that great if your weapons aren’t up to par. You can also use Rhino Stomp or a sleep effect like Ivara’s sleep arrow or Baruuk’s lull (excluding Equinox’s Rest & Rage which doesn’t work for some reason).

    Mesa with ensnare/an Exodia Epidemic zaw is another option since her 4 does work on disruptors and quite well at that.

    Again, the most important part is staying out of the nullificiation wave (i.e. keep a minimum distance away from the disruptor such that the red bubble that pops out doesn’t hit you, and just wait for it to move to a better spot if it’s in a tight area where that’s not possible) and to reapply the stun immediately after every wave.