Also why is it sometimes called a federated ID? Does it have to be an email address or could any value work?

  • ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
    -71 year ago

    if SSO would be anything but a scam thered be an opensourcefederated thing.

    just like “login with google” is a scam to harvest data.

    share data across commercial services…and you will have a bad time.

    you think SSO will come to protonmail or signal? no. because SSO is bad no matter how convenient.

    go use chrome, post on fb, use SSO, order on amazon etc…but do not forget: YOU are the problem. you are the reason chrome can do shit like WEI. you are the reason amazon has a monopoly. and you using SSO is just your next step into shit.