Black on Blue tonight, with a fairly forgone conclusion, but will Italy put up a fight or give a HT scare? Find out later!

  • @OlapOPM
    19 months ago

    A bit less shitposting here for sure. But some good fun nevertheless. Tommy Allan yet to miss a kick is fantastic to see too. Of course, this was Scotland 12 years ago with Chris Paterson. And we were guff then too, but it gave us a platform, which Italy can have here too

    Hoping NZ ring the subs early doors and give some other boys a shot

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      Yeah it’d be the greatest comeback in the world if they were to win it from here and I doubt that’s possible. But if they keep playing like they’ve done in the first couple of minutes they could easily win the 2nd half.