• @CustosliberaOP
    108 months ago

    Yes, to them Lemmy is extremely left.

    Reddit and other places on the internet are so far right when you say things like ‘I don’t think poor people should starve to death’ you’re looked at as a leftist.

    They get shocked when you tell them capitalism is a terrible idea and their precious freedom of speech can get fucked when it’s used to protect literal Nazis.

    • @EdibleFriend
      8 months ago

      Are you somebody who only went to the subreddits like the Donald? Reddit is basically half a step away from being the liberal version of stormfront. Now that we left the place are we just going to pretend it’s everything we’ve always hated? Is that where we are now?

      It does seem that way. I remember just a few days ago I saw a post saying that reddit would never stop praising Elon Musk

      • @Ottomateeverything
        48 months ago

        And you’re pretending it’s extremely left? Reddit was fairly middle road overall, but extremely polarizing in specific subs.

        • V17
          78 months ago

          It’s not extremely left, but it’s overwhelmingly more left leaning than right leaning.

        • @EdibleFriend
          8 months ago

          Not long ago I saw a post saying we must destroy every conservative in every way possible. Literally calling for the death of Republicans. It was highly upvoted. It did get removed eventually but still that is the general vibe of Reddit.

          The slightest right-wing opinion is instantly met with 500 downvotes and 30 people responding with basically the exact same talking point against it. And no I’m not talking about the crazy bullshit like how abortion needs to be met with execution. Those people obviously rightly need to be shut the fuck down.

          I’m liberal as fuck myself but even that place just annoyed this shit out of me with how it was about that.

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      They get shocked when you tell them capitalism is a terrible idea and their precious freedom of speech can get fucked when it’s used to protect literal Nazis.

      jesse, what are you talking about?

      • @EdibleFriend
        48 months ago

        Honestly I keep coming back to this thread cuz it’s fucking hilarious. He’s made up an entire Reddit in his mind and is arguing about it. Literally trying to claim that Reddit says you must protect Nazis free speech?

        I don’t think even /r/conservative would say that and those fucks are crazy.

    • V17
      38 months ago

      They get shocked when you tell them capitalism is a terrible idea and their precious freedom of speech can get fucked when it’s used to protect literal Nazis.

      These opinions in particular are considered far left by the majority of people in the western world.

    • gullible
      18 months ago

      Just a heads up, your post might be taken as tankie rhetoric. It’s relatively common outside of .world.

      • @CustosliberaOP
        38 months ago

        Yes thank you, I’m well aware.

        One of the things I like about Lemmy is that it is extreme left (I’m excluding tankies from this). What I’d hate to see is with an increasing influx of new users it gradually shifts the Overton window of acceptable opinions.

        If Lemmy ever starts to espouse capitalism I’ll know it’s over.