One of the things that attracted me to Obsidian was the flat, local file structure that (in theory) would allow me to use other apps on conjunction with Obsidian by accessing the same “vault” (aka, file folder on my computer).

In reality this has been a bit more difficult, as apps vary in terms of how they access files or use file names.

I do use Taio alongside Obsidian on my iPhone and that works well. But curious if there are other apps, particularly on mobile, that play nicely with Obsidian.

  • @onetrickpony
    12 years ago

    i use obsidian-git plugin on desktop, and on mobile i have a Cron job set up through termux to commit my local changes and fetch any remote changes every 30 min

    it works well except for the fact that git objects get corrupt from time to time, so i have another script to re-init the project and fix the corruption :(

    there is now obsidian-git as a plugin for mobile as well, but it doesn’t support submodules, so I’m stuck with this glued-together solution