Everyone knows the tale of Brand X getting bought out by some faceless global conglomerate and going to shit, but does the opposite ever happen?

  • @Candelestine
    301 year ago

    This is a pretty good example of a mental bias. Most of the times this happens it’s the expected result, so nobody bothers to remember.

    Like I can’t remember one either. But there’s a lot of companies that have been rescued from disaster and turned back around into forgettable mediocrity. I just … can’t think of one.

    • @ch00fOP
      141 year ago

      Right? The tagline is always something like “new owner will give us the capitol we need to achieve ____ goal,” and that makes sense from a business standpoint, but every example I can think of involves the new owner just milking the brand until it collapses.

      • @Candelestine
        101 year ago

        If you really want to find some, just go look through the holdings of some large holding companies. They didn’t make those, they bought them. I’m sure you can find some that were bought at bargain basement prices as more troubled assets and stabilized. Berkshire Hathaway might be a decent place to start.