This is basic stuff but if you aren’t already, be checking your tires for knots! Any place on your tire that’s protruding abnormally. This can and eventually will result in a blow out.

If you’ve got one? Change that tire ASAP. Know what’s 10x harder than changing a tire in your driveway? Changing that tire in the middle of the interstate, that is if you’re lucky and don’t suffer (or cause) bodily harm in the process.

Change it! If you don’t have the cash for a brand new tire, search around for some local tire shops that might (usually will) hook you up with a cheap, knotless tire until you can save up for another.

Seriously, it’s dangerous. Also, not sure if anyone needs to hear this but a friend of mine did recently so it’s worth saying that:

if there’s wire sticking out of your tire… don’t drive with it… have it changed

The friend that I had to tell that? I offered to change her tire for weeks! She put it off until eventually she had a blowout on the interstate. Had to call a ride home and had to have the car towed because I didn’t have time to get to it. I had her set up with a cheap tire for around $45 but instead it cost her hundreds, and a few days of missed work until it was sorted out.

Don’t out off a bad tire! They won’t wait until it’s convenient for you, or you have the money. They’ll blow at the worst time and ruin your day.

Just change it! Also, please carry a spare tire and a jack with you. Another tip? (Please, baby, we’ve been together for a month already) test the jack out BEFORE you actually need to use it. Not every jack will work for your vehicle, sometimes not even the one that’s included with it. Test! If you can, buy a decent jack.

Oh, yeah, this goes for bald tires too (looking at you,. Kevin!) I see so many people put them off and many have a blowout before they get around to it. Same as mentioned above, if you can’t afford brand new, shop around for some decent used tires until you can afford better. OR park it. Don’t drive on bad tires!

This has been my Just the Tip, I know I promised just once but sharing myself felt so, so damned good.

Until next time friends,

Kudos for making it another day on this planet, I respect and love each and every one of you! Really!

Even you, Carl. Especially you.

  • @Nurse_Robot
    -21 year ago

    Na. Drive with a tire until it blows, then pull over and change it (you need a spare, a jack, and the know how, which is advocated towards the end of OPs post). I’ve always done this and I’ve probably saved thousands of dollars in 12 years.

    Kinda /s, kinda not

    • @Benjaben
      41 year ago

      Wtf lol. You deliberately keep your tires until they explode while you’re driving?

      • @Nurse_Robot
        31 year ago

        Na, but I get damn close! And I’ve misjudged it at least twice ;)

    • @mvirts
      31 year ago

      Good ol Nurse_Robot, drumming up more business for the hospital 😹

    • Wrench WizardOPM
      21 year ago

      Ah, our page now has an anti-hero of sorts. Love it! Bring on all the questionable advice you desire!

      I’m frugal as all get-out myself and used to be exactly like you! My ways were changed after a series of unfortunate events lol.

      Had a blowout that almost cost me my life. The savings just don’t feel worth it after that, haha! No shit, I was speeding on my way home from work one evening, had a blowout, lost control and finally stopped almost directly over a 5-6 story deep dropoff. My brakes were shot as well, go me! Had so much time to fix those brakes, and knew that tire was bad but just didn’t think it would happen when it did. Life (maybe just mine?) Has a way of slapping me in the face sometimes lol.

      You do make a great point regarding preparedness though. Even with a set of brand new tires, ALWAYS bring an adequate jack and imo whatever else you could even possibly need. Mini air compressor, one of the little dc ones or gas if possible. Bike pump in case air compressor fails, which I’ve had happen using those little ones. Plugs, patches, reamer set etc. Always better safe than sorry!

      Have a good day, and kudos for preparedness and even being thrifty, I just hope you stay safe! Thanks for participating!