• @unoriginalsin
    38 months ago

    how do you explain the rampant success of workers unions?

    Excuse me? The what?

    • @CustosliberaOP
      -58 months ago

      You know that weekends didn’t exist until unions fought for and won them yeah?

          • @unoriginalsin
            38 months ago

            But if you’re American it was 1937.

            Right. So, 86 years ago? How does this explain the rampant success of workers unions?

            • @CustosliberaOP
              -48 months ago

              Do you think that’s the only thing unions have achieved in 86 years?

              I suggest you do some googling about the union movement internationally, I think you’ll find there have been many successes, some very recently.

              • @unoriginalsin
                18 months ago

                You’ve had plenty of time to elaborate on your claims of the “rampant success of workers unions” and your answer is “Google it”?

                No. This is unacceptable. You tell me what you believe is evidence of the “rampant success of workers unions” or concede that there hasn’t been anything approaching "rampant success of workers unions"in quite some time.