It’s a panel from Silas Corey, The Aquila Network, a terrific series scripted by Fabien Nury.


  • @Cabeza2000
    9 months ago

    Looks interesting. Added this one to my ever-growing wishlist.

    BTW, you collect physical or digital editions? Asking because I follow your posts and reviews (obviously :)), and if you do collect physical then your collection should be something awesome.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      39 months ago

      Most of my physical BD collection got lost in a house move years ago. Since then I’ve been collecting digitally (much of my method is explained in our FAQ).

      Regardless, I guess my collection is in fact pretty awesome! I feel very lucky with the library systems providing so much of that content for free, so I feel it’s only fair to try to review and share samples of the best stuff in order to help support the authors & publishers.

      And thank you for following along. :-)

      • @Cabeza2000
        29 months ago

        Thanks for answering. I will check out the FAQ!

        I tried in the past to get used to reading digitally and it didn’t work for me. One of the reasons that I read graphic novels is to reduce my time in front of the screens.

        • @[email protected]OPM
          39 months ago

          FYI, I happen to read stuff on a computer monitor I have set up on a swivel arm next to my couch. Sitting down at my desk to read comics is uncomfortable and absurd to me.

          One thing I think might help would be using a good-sized tablet, instead. So versatile and handy. You can also turn it sideways and scroll the pages up and down, which tremendously helps with seeing everything at a nice big readable size.

          • @Cabeza2000
            29 months ago

            Yeah, I have a tablet, which is where I tried to read digital comics. I didn’t use my smartphone, desktop pc or laptop.

            I admit that digital reading is suitable for graphic novels but considering that I work with a computer I value anything that I fit into my schedule that doesn’t require screen time. That is the advantage of physical books for me.