Love them or hate them there are a lot of common tropes across the science fiction genre. What are some of your favorite and least favorite tropes?

I think it goes without saying that one of the least favorite tropes is Deux ex Machina. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it at first, but after watching the German TV show “Dark” I was utterly dissatisfied with it. The entire series up until the very last episode is about this inescapable time loop and alternative universes which is pretty cool while watching it, but then you get closer and closer to the end wondering how they are going to solve this impossible problem. Then surprise they just do it instantly in the last episode.

Another trope I am not very fond of is nanotechnology where there are trillions of tiny robots that can effectively act as magic. It just feels like a lazy way to write science fiction because you really want a fantasy.

A trope I do actually like despite how overdone it is, is the idea of a precursor or forerunner. It often brings to light the absolutely massive scale of the universe which I find fun to think about.

  • R0cket_M00se
    41 year ago

    Star Wars and their 5768392845792919375859391957583929194873939293875 ultrabiggajoule shields lol yeah.

    No one working on star wars understands energy, laser shots do what modern missiles and bombs can, those aren’t even close to the thermonuclear yields that turbolasers supposedly have.

    • FaceDeer
      61 year ago

      It’s not just energy numbers, though that’s very prominent. Star Wars writers just have no sense of scale.

      AT-ATs are listed as having a maximum speed of 60km/h. I would love to see an animation of one of those things actually managing to gallop along at that speed, it would look so goofy.

      • R0cket_M00se
        21 year ago

        That’s crazy, like any highschool physics student should know that’s crazy, crazy.

        60km/h? Wow.