Any recommendations for a PDF editor? I’ve been using LibreOffice Draw, but it doesn’t seem to preserve all the formatting/positioning.
Edit: Some features I’m looking for:
- The ability to highlight and/or redact text
- The ability to add/remove pages
- It would also be nice to be able add signatures.
I’m using pdftk to add/remove pages, which works perfectly. Also does stuff like rotate some pages, ect. Easily scriptable, so stapling together all the PDFs in a dictionary is super easy.
For actual editing (removing text, adding complex things), I just use Inkscape. How well that works depends on the PDF itself.
And just highlighting text is something every single PDF viewer can do nowadays.
Oh, interesting. I could see how the pdftk CLI could be powerful. Do you know if the source code repository is actually public? I couldn’t find it.
I don’t think the repository itself is public. But pdftk is licenced under GPL2, and so PTFLabs has published the source code here.
I imagine you could contact PDFLabs directly if you wanted to contribute.