I doubt this is news to anyone here, but always good to see positive coverage of the Deck

  • @kadu
    389 months ago

    I’m not going to complain when none of the modern first party console controllers come with hall-effect

    I will, when there are cheap third party controllers that have hall effect, and some random company managed to make them for the Steam Deck itself.

    • conciselyverbose
      129 months ago

      There’s a massive difference between being able to get the quantity to serve the small number of people willing to tinker and buy niche controllers and being able to get the quantity to serve a mass market.

      • @kadu
        109 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • conciselyverbose
          9 months ago

          It’s not cheaper if the manufacturing capacity literally doesn’t exist. You can’t just wave a magic wand and have a company be capable of making millions of units.

          Edit: It took several months after launch to clear the backlog and allow people to just order a Steam Deck, and it got occasionally backordered for several more months in some markets after that. Adding the constraint of being supply limited on joysticks would have almost definitely made that worse.

        • @klay
          19 months ago

          Dude, no need to be a dick about it. You made your point, the dunk undermines it.