We’re gonna get a paw paw user on the crew aren’t we? And thats how they escape? There would be parallels with Sabaody and it fits with the crew now.

Gomu gomu (Luffy) - 5,6

Hito hito (Chopper) - 1,10

Hana Hana (Robin) - 8,7

Yomi Yomi (Brook) - 4,3

What numbers are missing? 2 and 9.

What fruit meets that criteria? Nikyu nikyu

Who was that now? Kuma

Where is Kuma heading? Egghead

Is there a fruit on the Sunny? The orange tree.

Who’s gonna get it? Bonney?? My wildcard bet is the sunny.

My thoughts: Kuma is gonna reach egghead and die on the sunny. The sunny gets a fruit and Vegapunk puts it on the sunny for boosted travel to escape and head to Elbaf.

  • Didi
    11 year ago

    What it goes to 15 ??