At this point I’m ok with finding a stupid cheese for this. I’m so over this.

I sided with UC, got past the 3 batteries, and am now duking it out over the Key. I’ve taken out the turrets, but the ship keep shredding me.

Had I known this battle would be such a massive jump in difficulty, I would’ve grinded longer to go into the battle with a better ship and better flight skills.

Any tips on how to get past this? I’m not having fun anymore 😔.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    I used turrets on my 3rd weapon slot. Turrets autofire and usually decimate everything coming after me. If you have the high enough perks in starship design, it’s pretty simple.

    With turrets I could focus on my flying and dodging. Tip for missiles is to boost then stop , then boost if targeted again and stop boosting. Focus on the flying and let the auto turrets shoot for you.