There is hope at least. Currently ROCm is pretty terrible.

  • haagch
    11 year ago

    I like how they simultaneously complain that they’d have to use an “ancient” pytorch branch for intel while their example against rocm is that it apparently broke on a 4 year old kernel on the previous lts version of ubuntu.

    Yea rocm has issues but many developers exaggerate a lot in order to justify not even trying.

    My counter example is the easydiffusion ui. After users figured out that you only need to swap to the prebuilt rocm branch of pytorch and then it literally just works it took another couple of months (!) until upstream supported it. In the meantime I too used it with a literal 1 line change in the install script.

    The thing is, if nobody writes software for the alternative ecosystems, the alternative ecosystems won’t improve much.