• @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Again infering it isn’t already and you wonder why people respond. At least when you said fuck off you actually said what you meant. Try that more often.

    • @schmidtster
      1 year ago

      Interestingly enough, that doesn’t work, because people just say. Why so hostile. So if politeness doesn’t work, and hostility doesn’t work… maybe the person you’re talking to isn’t actually trying to have a discussion…? Like you here. Or am I not being “simple” enough for you…?

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        How am I the one not trying to have a discussion? You think simply because I don’t agree with you it means there’s no discussion? Then wouldn’t you also not be trying to have a discussion? If you tell someone they are making things political, expect them to respond, you’re talking about them. If you don’t want to talk about politics just say you don’t want to. You’ve yet to respond to those points but insist they mean the same thing, and then you say I’m the one trying not to have a discussion. Hilarious.

        • @schmidtster
          11 year ago

          You still can’t comprehend that when someone brings politics up and the other person says “stop making everything political” that literally means what you says it doesn’t eh?

          It’s funny, every response you keep proving my point. I’ve told you to stop making it political and I’ve told you to fuck off… yet you haven’t done either… and you’re proving my point.

          I appreciate the effort you’re going to really drive the point I made home for me. No effort needed.

          Since I wasn’t clear enough, nor apparently simple enough for you to comprehend, I’ll say it again

          Fuck off.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            How are you gonna say that a sentence ‘literally’ means something other than what the words literally mean and claim you’re making any kind of point by being mad that someone’s pointing that out? Stick to telling people to fuck off, you’re good at that.

            • @schmidtster
              11 year ago

              You understand something can have more than one definition………… right……….

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                Better than you understand what the word ‘literally’ means. And do you understand the most commonly understood meaning of a phrase is gonna be what it literally says? Say what you mean instead of parroting cliche phrases that are oversaid because you can’t think of how to phrase a sentence yourself.

                • @schmidtster
                  11 year ago

                  It’s not parroting and the phrase isn’t cliche lmfao and I know what literally means, my apologies that’s just another thing you can’t comprehend.

                  Maybe you should realize that you’re the issue here…?

                  • @[email protected]
                    1 year ago

                    You said that a sentence ‘literally’ meant something other than what the words literally meant, and now you’re claiming im the problem? At least ive been pointing out things in your arguement instead of simply claiming you’re the problem like you’re doing to me. You seem to be struggling with the language which makes sense given your thoughts on the phrase.